Last year, I had to go to a wedding and I had no dress. I was looking all over and then bam, one day, I was going through a magazine, I believe it was Glamour or Marie Claire, one of those magazines. I saw this exact dress on the left from Banana Republic in the magazine and it was so beautiful. It was a little expensive for my taste (168 dollars) and I wasn't going to pay that price! But you know what pushed me over the edge? The magazine quoted along the line of, "It is perfect for someone who is of small frame and petite." Well, it is not everyday you see that in a magazines where all of the models are like 6'1 and super skinny! When I saw that, I knew I had to have that dress! I waited one week and they had a huge sale and I got the dress for 80 dollars! I was so proud of myself for saving so much.
The funny thing was, I would have never have tried it on (I have seen the dress several times at Banana but was thinking, who woudl wear that?) But after I saw it in the magazine and how it was advertised toward to small, petite woman and they even had a small petite woman (above) modeling for the dress, I knew I had to get the dress. I did end up rocking that dress! As you can see it below!