Another show I absolutely love is I want That! Kitchen, which is the ultimate go-to guide for insider information and seak previews of the next big thing in kitchen. I was watching one show a few weeks ago, and they were doing a feature on Kyocera ceramic knives.
I remember it went along this line-Imagine cutlery that goes months--even years without sharpening. This line of cutlery from Kyocera is made from a material called zirconium oxide. It's almost as hard as diamonds and can slice through nearly anything. They're perfect for prep tasks such as chopping veggies, fruits or boneless meats. Unlike metal blades, you don't have to sharpen these blades very often. Forged metal blades are soft and susceptible to chemical corrosion, and over time, the edges get nicked and pitted. Kyocera's zirconium oxide blades resist wear and will hold its edge for months to years without sharpening.
I hear that all the times but what really convinced me was when this caterer was using it for the first time. She looks so skepical about using a ceramic knives but she went ahead and used it for one day. She had a bunch of asparagus still held together in a rubber band and without taking the vegetable apart for easier chopping, she cut through the whole bunch without any problems. She said, "Wow! It is like cutting through butter!" (I have enclosed a video below to show what I mean) I knew I have to get this. I do so much cooking and I am constantly having my knives sharpened and I am constantly complaining how hard it is to cut through something thick at times. But when I saw this caterer cutting through that THICK asparagus, I was amazed and I knew it would be the perfect knife to use.
I still haven't ordered it yet, I am waiting for the price to go down a bit before buying it! I will be sure to post a blog to let you know how I like it!